Package 'healthdb'

Title: Working with Healthcare Databases
Description: A system for identifying diseases or events from healthcare databases and preparing data for epidemiological studies. It includes capabilities not supported by 'SQL', such as matching strings by 'stringr' style regular expressions, and can compute comorbidity scores (Quan et al. (2005) <doi:10.1097/01.mlr.0000182534.19832.83>) directly on a database server. The implementation is based on 'dbplyr' with full 'tidyverse' compatibility.
Authors: Kevin Hu [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Kevin Hu <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.4.0
Built: 2025-02-20 01:18:49 UTC

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Row-bind a list of data.frames or remote tables with variable selection and renaming


Row bind a list of data.frames or remote tables with variable selection and renaming.


bind_source(data, ..., force_proceed = getOption("healthdb.force_proceed"))



A list of data.frame or remote tables, e.g., output from execute_def().


Named arguments for each variable included in the output. The argument name should be the new name in the output, and the right hand side of the argument is a character vector of the original names. The name vector and the list elements in data will be matched by position. if an output variable only came from some of the sources, fill the name vector to a length equal to the number of sources with NA, e.g., var only come from the second out of three sources, then var = c(NA, 'nm_in_src2', NA).


A logical for whether to ask for user input in order to proceed when remote tables are needed to be collected for binding. The default is FALSE to let user be aware of that the downloading process may be slow. Use options(healthdb.force_proceed = TRUE) to suppress the prompt once and for all.


A data.frame or remote table containing combined rows of the input list with variables specified by ...


df1 <- subset(iris, Species == "setosa")
df2 <- subset(iris, Species == "versicolor")
df3 <- subset(iris, Species == "virginica")

bind_source(list(df1, df2, df3),
  s_l = "Sepal.Length",
  s_w = "Sepal.Width",
  p_l_setosa = c("Petal.Length", NA, NA),
  p_l_virginica = c(NA, NA, "Petal.Length")
) %>%

Build case definition function calls


This function assembles function calls from the supplied functions and their required arguments, leaving the data argument empty for easy re-use of the definition calls with different data and batch execution (see execute_def() for detail). It is useful for defining multiple diseases/events across multiple sources.


build_def(def_lab, src_labs, def_fn = define_case, fn_args)



A single character label for the definition, e.g., some disease.


A character vector of place-holder names for the data sources that will be used to execute the definition.


A list of functions (default: define_case()) that will filter the source data sets and keep clients met the case definition. The length of the list should be either 1 or equal to the length of src_labs. If length = 1, the same function will be applied to all sources; otherwise, def_fn should match src_lab by position. User can supply custom functions but must put input data as the first argument and name it data.


A named list of arguments passing to the def_fn. Each element in the list should have the same name as an argument in the source-specific def_fn, and the element length should also be either 1 or equal to the number of sources. If you have def_fn functions taking different sets of arguments, include the union in one list.


A tibble with a number of rows equal to the length of src_labs, containing the input arguments and the synthetic function call in the fn_call column.


sud_def <- build_def("SUD", # usually a disease name
  src_lab = c("src1", "src2"), # identify from multiple sources, e.g., hospitalization, ED visits.
  # functions that filter the data with some criteria,
  # including mean here for src2 as a trivial example
  # to show only valid arguments will be in the call
  def_fn = list(define_case, mean),
  fn_args = list(
    vars = list(starts_with("diagx"), "diagx_2"),
    match = "start", # "start" will be applied to all sources as length = 1
    vals = list(c("304"), c("305")),
    clnt_id = "clnt_id",
    # c() can be used in place of list
    # if this argument only takes one value for each source
    n_per_clnt = c(2, 3),
    x = list(1:10) # src2 with mean as def_fn will only accept this argument

# the result is a tibble

# the fn_call column stores the code that can be ran with execute_def

Group records no more than n days apart as episodes


This function is useful for collapsing, e.g., medication dispensation or hospitalization, records into episodes if the records' dates are no more than n days gap apart. The length of the gap can be relaxed by another grouping variable.


  end_dt = NULL,
  overwrite = NULL,
  gap_overwrite = 99999,
  .dt_trans = data.table::as.IDate,



A data.frame or remote table that contains the id and date variables.


Column name of subject/person ID.


Column name of the starting date of records.


Column name of the end date of records. The default is NULL assuming the record last one day and only the start date will be used to calculate the gaps between records.


A number in days that will be used to separate episodes. For example, gap = 7 means collapsing records no more than 7 days apart. Note that the number of days apart will be calculated as numeric difference between two days, so that 2020-01-07 and 2020-01-01 is considered as 6 days apart.


Column name of a grouping variable determining whether the consecutive records are related and should have a different gap value. For example, dispensing records may have the same original prescription number, and a different gap value can be assigned for such situation, e.g., the days between two records is > gap, but these records still belong to the same prescription.


A different gap value used for related records. The default is 99999, which practically means all records with the same overwrite variable will be collapsed.


Function to transform start_dt/end_dt. For data.frame input only. Default is data.table::as.IDate().


Additional arguments passing to the .dt_trans function. For data.frame input only.


The original data.frame or remote table with new columns indicating episode grouping. The new variables include:

  • epi_id: unique identifier of episodes across the whole data set

  • epi_no: identifier of episodes within a client/group

  • epi_seq: identifier of records within an episode

  • epi_start/stop_dt: start and end dates corresponding to epi_id


# make toy data
df <- make_test_dat() %>%
dplyr::select(clnt_id, dates)


# collapse records no more than 90 days apart
# end_dt could be absent then it is assumed to be the same as start_dt
collapse_episode(df, clnt_id, start_dt = dates, gap = 90)

Compute Elixhauser Comorbidity Index


This function computes unweighted Elixhauser Comorbidity Index for both data.frame and remote table input. The ICD codes used to identify the 31 disease categories is from Quan et al. (2005).


  icd_ver = c("ICD-10", "ICD-9-CM-3digits", "ICD-9-CM-5digits"),
  uid = NULL,
  sum_by = c("row", "clnt"),
  excl = NULL



Data.frames or remote tables (e.g., from dbplyr::tbl_sql())


An expression passing to dplyr::select(). It can be quoted/unquoted column names, or helper functions, such as dplyr::starts_with().


One of c("ICD-10", "ICD-9-CM-3digits", "ICD-9-CM-5digits"). Specify the ICD code version used in data. The ICD-10 and ICD-9-CM 5 digits version are from Quan et al. (2005). The ICD-9-CM 3 digits version is adopted from Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. It uses BOTH 3-digit and 5-digit codes in search. See their web page for cautions and limitations of the 3 digit version if your data only has 3-digit codes (


Grouping variable (quoted/unquoted).


Variable name for a unique row identifier. It is necessary for SQL to produce consistent result based on sorting.


One of "row" or "clnt". The "row" option computes total score for each row (default), and the "clnt" option summarizes total score by clnt_id. Each disease categories will be counted only once in the calculation regardless of multiple records in a category.


A character vector of disease categories labels that should be excluded in the total score calculation. This is useful when some of the categories are the exposure/outcome of interest, and the goal is to measure comorbidity excluding these disease. See detail for a list of the categories and labels.


List of disease categories - labels (in quote):

  1. Congestive Heart Failure - "chf"

  2. Cardiac Arrhythmia - "arrhy"

  3. Valvular Disease - "vd"

  4. Pulmonary Circulation Disorders - "pcd"

  5. Peripheral Vascular Disorders - "pvd"

  6. Hypertension Uncomplicated - "hptn_nc"

  7. Hypertension complicated - "hptn_C"

  8. Paralysis - "para"

  9. Other Neurological Disorders - "Othnd"

  10. Chronic Pulmonary Disease - "copd"

  11. Diabetes Uncomplicated - "diab_nc"

  12. Diabetes Complicated - "diab_c"

  13. Hypothyroidism - "hptothy"

  14. Renal Failure - "rf"

  15. Liver Disease - "ld"

  16. Peptic Ulcer Disease excluding bleeding - "pud_nb"

  17. AIDS/HIV - "hiv"

  18. Lymphoma - "lymp"

  19. Metastatic Cancer - "mets"

  20. Solid Tumor without Metastasis - "tumor"

  21. Rheumatoid Arthritis/collagen - "rheum_a"

  22. Coagulopathy - "coag"

  23. Obesity - "obesity"

  24. Weight Loss - "wl"

  25. Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders - "fluid"

  26. Blood Loss Anemia - "bla"

  27. Deficiency Anemia - "da"

  28. Alcohol Abuse - "alcohol"

  29. Drug Abuse - "drug"

  30. Psychoses - "psycho"

  31. Depression - "dep"


A data.frame or remote table with binary indicators for each categories as columns.


Quan H, Sundararajan V, Halfon P, Fong A, Burnand B, Luthi JC, Saunders LD, Beck CA, Feasby TE, Ghali WA. Coding algorithms for defining comorbidities in ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 administrative data. Med Care 2005;43(11):1130-1139.


# make ICD-9 toy data
df <- data.frame(
  uid = 1:10, clnt_id = sample(1:3, 10, replace = TRUE),
  diagx_1 = c("193", "2780", "396", "4254", "4150", "401", "401", "0932", "5329", "2536"),
  diagx_2 = c(NA, NA, "72930", "V6542", "493", "405", "5880", "2409", "714", NA)

# compute Elixhauser Comorbidity Index by row
# uid is needed for by row calculation
# 3 categories were excluded in total_eci
  vars = starts_with("diagx"),
  icd_ver = "ICD-9-CM-5digits",
  clnt_id = clnt_id, uid = uid,
  excl = c("drug", "psycho", "dep")

# compute ECI by person
  vars = starts_with("diagx"),
  icd_ver = "ICD-9-CM-5digits",
  clnt_id = clnt_id,
  sum_by = "clnt"

Compute duration between two dates


This function is meant to be for data frame input only and used with dplyr::mutate() to compute age or duration between two character or Date columns. If a vector of breaks is given, the output will be converted to factor with labels generated automatically.


  lower_brks = NULL,
  unit = c("year", "day", "week", "month"),
  trans = FALSE,
  .transfn = lubridate::ymd,
  verbose = getOption("healthdb.verbose"),



A character or Date vector for start dates.


A character or Date vector for end dates.


A numeric vector for lower breaks passing to the base base::cut() function to convert the numeric result to a factor. The level labels will be auto generated. For example, the level labels are c("<19", "19-24", "25-34", "35-44", "45-54", "55+") for lower_brks = c(0, 19, 25, 35, 45, 55). Default is NULL (no conversion).


A character string specifying the unit of the output. One of "year" (default), "day", "week", or "month".


A logical for whether transform both from and to with the .transfn function


A function for transforming the inputs. Default is lubridate::ymd().


A logical for whether print summary of the out and warning for missing values. Default is fetching from options. Use options(healthdb.verbose = FALSE) to suppress once and for all.


Additional arguments passing to base::cut().


A numeric or factor vector of the duration.


# toy data
n <- 5
df <- data.frame(id = 1:n,
start_dt = sample(seq(as.Date("1970-01-01"), as.Date("2000-12-31"), by = 1), size = n),
end_dt = sample(seq(as.Date("2001-01-01"), as.Date("2023-12-31"), by = 1), size = n))

# get age group at a cut-off
df %>% dplyr::mutate(
 age_grp = compute_duration(start_dt, "2023-01-01", lower_brks = c(0, 19, 25, 35, 45, 55))

# compute gaps between two dates in weeks
df %>% dplyr::mutate(
 gap_wks = compute_duration(start_dt, end_dt, unit = "week")

Cut the time period in one row into multiple rows by interval


This function is for cutting time periods into segments, which could be useful for subsequent overlap joins. Each original period (per row) will be expanded to multiple rows by weeks, months, etc. Only data.frame input is accepted as the output size is greater than the input. Thus, remote tables should be collected before running this function for optimal performance.


  unit = c("day", "week", "month", "quarter", "year"),
  .dt_trans = NULL



Input data.frame that each row has start and end dates


Record start date column (unquoted)


Record end date column (unquoted)


An integer, the interval that would be used to divide the record duration


One of "day" (default), "week", "month", "quarter, or "year" used in combination of len to specify the time length of the interval.


Function to transform start/end, such as lubridate::ymd(). Default is NULL.


Data frame that each row is now a segment of the period defined by c(start, end) in the original row. Original variables are retained and repeated for each segment plus new variables defining the segment interval.


# toy data
df <- data.frame(sample_id = 1, period_id = 1, start_date = "2015-01-01", end_date = "2019-12-31")

# divide period into segments (multiple rows per period)
df_seg <- cut_period(
  data = df, start = start_date, end = end_date,
  len = 1,
  unit = "year",
  .dt_trans = lubridate::ymd

# categorize segment_id as factor
df_seg$segment <- cut(df_seg$segment_id,
  breaks = c(0, 1, 2, Inf),
  labels = c("< 1 year", "1 - 2 years", "Remainder")


Identify diseases/events from administrative records


This function is a composite of identify_row(), exclude(), restrict_n(), and restrict_date(). It is aimed to implement common case definitions in epidemiological studies using administrative database as a one-shot big query. The intended use case is for definitions in the form of, e.g., two or more physician visits with some diagnostic code at least 30 days apart within two years. The component functions mentioned above are chained in the following order if all arguments were supplied: identify_row(vals) %>% exclude(identify_row(excl_vals), by = clnt_id) %>% restrict_n() %>% restrict_date(). Only necessary steps in the chain will be ran if some arguments are missing, see the verbose output for what was done. Note that if date_var is supplied, n_per_clnt will be counted by distinct dates instead of number of records.


  match = "in",
  n_per_clnt = 1,
  date_var = NULL,
  apart = NULL,
  within = NULL,
  uid = NULL,
  excl_vals = NULL,
  excl_args = NULL,
  keep = c("all", "first", "last"),
  if_all = FALSE,
  mode = c("flag", "filter"),
  force_collect = FALSE,
  verbose = getOption("healthdb.verbose"),



Data.frames or remote tables (e.g., from dbplyr::tbl_sql())


An expression passing to dplyr::select(). It can be quoted/unquoted column names, or helper functions, such as dplyr::starts_with().


One of "in", "start", "regex", "like", "between", and "glue_sql". It determines how values would be matched. See identify_row() for detail.


Depending on match, it takes different input. See identify_row().


Grouping variable (quoted/unquoted).


A single number specifying the minimum number of group size.


Variable name (quoted/unquoted) for the dates to be interpreted.


An integer specifying the minimum gap (in days) between adjacent dates in a draw.


An integer specifying the maximum time span (in days) of a draw.


Variable name for a unique row identifier. It is necessary for SQL to produce consistent result based on sorting.


Same as vals but clients/groups with these values are going to be removed from the result. This is intended for exclusion criteria of a case definition.


A named list of arguments passing to the second identify_row() call for excl_vals. If not supplied, var, match and if_all of the first call will be re-used.


One of:

  • "first" (keeping each client's earliest record),

  • "last" (keeping the latest),

  • and "all" (keeping all relevant records, default).

  • Note that "first"/"last" should not be used with "flag" mode.


A logical for whether combining the predicates (if multiple columns were selected by vars) with AND instead of OR. Default is FALSE, e.g., var1 in vals OR var2 in vals.



  • "flag" - add new columns starting with "flag_" indicating if the client met the condition,

  • or "filter" - remove clients that did not meet the condition from the data.

  • This will be passed to both restrict_n() AND restrict_date(). Default is "flag".


A logical for whether force downloading the result table if it is not a local data.frame. Downloading data could be slow, so the user has to opt in; default is FALSE.


A logical for whether printing explanation for the operation. Default is fetching from options. Use options(healthdb.verbose = FALSE) to suppress once and for all.


Additional arguments, e.g., mode, passing to restrict_date().


A subset of input data satisfied the specified case definition.


sample_size <- 30
df <- data.frame(
  clnt_id = rep(1:3, each = 10),
  service_dt = sample(seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2020-01-31"), by = 1),
    size = sample_size, replace = TRUE
  diagx = sample(letters, size = sample_size, replace = TRUE),
  diagx_1 = sample(c(NA, letters), size = sample_size, replace = TRUE),
  diagx_2 = sample(c(NA, letters), size = sample_size, replace = TRUE)

# define from one source
  vars = starts_with("diagx"), "in", vals = letters[1:4],
  clnt_id = clnt_id, date_var = service_dt,
  excl_args = list(if_all = TRUE),
  # remove non-case
  mode = "filter",
  # keeping the first record
  keep = "first"

# multiple sources with purrr::pmap
# arguments with length = 1 will be recycle to match the number of sources
# wrap expressions/unquoted variables with bquote(),
# or rlang:exprs() to prevent immediate evaluation,
# or just use quoted variable names
    data = list(df, df),
    vars = rlang::exprs(starts_with("diagx")),
    match = c("in", "start"),
    vals = list(letters[1:4], letters[5:10]),
    clnt_id = list(bquote(clnt_id)), n_per_clnt = c(2, 3),
    date_var = "service_dt",
    excl_vals = list(letters[11:13], letters[14:16]),
    excl_args = list(list(if_all = TRUE), list(if_all = FALSE))

Remove rows based on conditions or another data set


This function combines dplyr::anti_join(), and negation of dplyr::filter(). When a second data set is supplied through the excl argument, anti join would be performed; otherwise, data would be filtered with the expression given via the condition argument, and the filter result would in turn be removed using dplyr::setdiff().


  excl = NULL,
  by = NULL,
  condition = NULL,
  verbose = getOption("healthdb.verbose"),
  report_on = NULL,



Data.frames or remote tables (e.g., from dbplyr::tbl_sql()). A subset will be removed from this data.


Data frames or remote tables (e.g., from 'dbplyr'). Rows/values present in it will be removed from data if there is a match. This will be passed to dplyr::anti_join() as the second argument.


Column names that should be matched by dplyr::anti_join(), or a expressions with dplyr::join_by(). See dplyr::anti_join()'s by argument for detail. Default NULL is the same as setdiff(data, excl).


An expression that will be passed to dplyr::filter(). The rows that satisfy condition are those to be removed from data.


A logical for whether printing explanation for the operation. Default is fetching from options. Use options(healthdb.verbose = FALSE) to suppress once and for all.


A quoted/unquoted column name for counting how many of its distinct values were removed from data, e.g., counting how many client IDs were removed. Default is NULL.


Additional arguments passing to dplyr::filter()/dplyr::anti_join() for finer control of matching, e.g., na action, by-group filtering, etc.


A data frame or remote table that is a subset of data.


# exclude with condition
cyl_not_4 <- exclude(mtcars, condition = cyl == 4, report_on = cyl)

# exclude with another data
exclude(mtcars, cyl_not_4, dplyr::join_by(cyl), report_on = cyl)

Execute parameterized case definitions


This function executes the function calls stored in the output tibble from [build_def()] with data objects supplied through a named list and returns the results as a list. It is intended to facilitate re-use of pre-defined calls with different data.


  bind = FALSE,
  force_proceed = getOption("healthdb.force_proceed")



A tibble created by [build_def()].


A named list which the elements are in the form of src_lab = data, where 'src_lab' corresponds to the src_labs argument from [build_def()] and 'data' is the data object that will be passed to calls stored in def. The names (and length) of 'with_data' must match the unique values of src_labs in 'def'.


A logical for whether row-binding records from multiple sources into one table. Note that the binding may fail in ways that are difficult to anticipate in advance, such as data type conflict (e.g., Date vs. character) between variables in the same name from different sources. The default is FALSE. If TRUE, the behavior is to try and return the unbinded result when failed.


A logical for whether to ask for user input in order to proceed when remote tables are needed to be collected for binding. The default is FALSE to let user be aware of that the downloading process may be slow. Use options(healthdb.force_proceed = TRUE) to suppress the prompt once and for all.


A single (if bind = TRUE) or a list of data.frames or remote tables.

See Also

[bind_sources()] for binding the output with convenient renaming features.


# toy data
sample_size <- 30
df <- data.frame(
  clnt_id = rep(1:3, each = 10),
  service_dt = sample(seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2020-01-31"), by = 1),
    size = sample_size, replace = TRUE
  diagx = sample(letters, size = sample_size, replace = TRUE),
  diagx_1 = sample(c(NA, letters), size = sample_size, replace = TRUE),
  diagx_2 = sample(c(NA, letters), size = sample_size, replace = TRUE)

# make df a database table
db <- dbplyr::tbl_memdb(df)

# use build_def to make a toy definition
sud_def <- build_def("SUD", # usually a disease name
  src_lab = c("src1", "src2"), # identify from multiple sources, e.g., hospitalization, ED visits.
  # functions that filter the data with some criteria
  def_fn = define_case,
  fn_args = list(
    vars = starts_with("diagx"),
    match = "start", # "start" will be applied to all sources as length = 1
    vals = list(c("304"), c("305")),
    clnt_id = "clnt_id", # list()/c() could be omitted for single element
    # c() can be used in place of list
    # if this argument only takes one value for each source
    n_per_clnt = c(2, 3)

# save the definition for re-use
# saveRDS(sud_def, file = some_path)

sud_def %>% execute_def(with_data = list(src1 = df, src2 = db), force_proceed = TRUE)

Get variables from multiple tables with common ID columns


This function fetches variables from different tables that linked by common IDs. It calls dplyr::left_join() multiple times with various source tables (y argument of the join) to gather variables. It is not meant to replace left_join() but simplify syntax for the situation that you started off a table of study sample and wanted to gather covariates from different sources linked by common client IDs, which is often the case when working with healthcare databases. Caution: this function is intended for one-to-one joins only because it could be problematic when we do not know which source caused a one-to-many join and changed the number of rows. For data.frame input, an error will be given when one-to-many joins were detected. However, such checking could be an expensive operation on remote source. Therefore, for database input, the result will not be checked.


fetch_var(data, keys, linkage, ...)



A data.frame or remote table (tbl_sql) which must be an object and not from a pipe. It would be used as the x argument in left_join().


A vector of quoted/unquoted variable names, or 'tidyselect' expression (see dplyr::select()). These variables must be present in data and would be used as the by argument in left_join(). The y tables must have a subset of these if not all.


A list of formulas in the form of "from_tab ~ get_vars|by_keys":

  • source table on the left-hand-side

  • variables on the right-hand-side

  • If a source table does not have all the variables in keys, use "|" on RHS to specify the subset of keys to be used.

For example, given keys has 3 variables, list( y1 ~ tidyselect_expr1, y2 ~ tidyselect_expr2|key1 + key2)


  1. from table y1 get variables picked by the tidyselect expression matching on all 3 keys;

  2. from table y2 get variables matching on only key1 and key2.


Additional arguments, e.g., copy = TRUE, passing to left_join().


A data.frame or remote table containing all original columns of x and new variables matched from other tables based on the specified linkage.


# make toy data
size <- 30
n <- 10
df1 <- data.frame(
  id = sample(1:n, size = size, replace = TRUE),
  service_dt = sample(seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2022-01-31"), by = 1),
    size = size
) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(year = lubridate::year(service_dt))
df2 <- data.frame(
  id = rep(1:n, size / n), year = rep(2020:2022, each = n),
  status_1 = sample(0:1, size = size, replace = TRUE),
  status_2 = sample(0:1, size = size, replace = TRUE)
df3 <- data.frame(id = 1:n, sex = sample(c("F", "M"), size = n, replace = TRUE))

# simple joins
# note that for left_join(df1, df2), boths keys have to be used,
# otherwise, error as the relation would not be one-to-one
  keys = c(id, year),
  linkage = list(
    df2 ~ starts_with("s"), # match both keys without '|'
    df3 ~ sex | id
  ) # match by id only; otherwise failed because df3 has no year

# example if some y is remote
# make df2 as database table
db2 <- dbplyr::tbl_memdb(df2)

  keys = c(id, year),
  linkage = list(
    db2 ~ starts_with("s"),
    df3 ~ sex | id
  copy = TRUE # pass to left_join for forced collection of remote table

Identify rows with a match


Filter rows which values satisfy the specified conditions. The functionality is identical to dplyr::filter() combined with dplyr::if_any() or dplyr::if_all(), but it used the 'data.table' package vignette("datatable-intro", package = "data.table") for data.frame method, and has regular regular expression support for remote database tables. The motivation is to take away some pain when working with databases which often do not support regular expression and 'LIKE' operator with multiple string patterns.


  match = c("in", "start", "regex", "like", "between", "glue_sql"),
  if_all = FALSE,
  verbose = getOption("healthdb.verbose"),
  query_only = TRUE,



Data.frames or remote tables (e.g., from dbplyr::tbl_sql())


An expression passing to dplyr::select(). It can be quoted/unquoted column names, or helper functions, such as dplyr::starts_with().


One of "in", "start", "regex", "like", "between", and "glue_sql". It determines how values would be matched. The operations under each type:

  • "in": var %in% vals (This is default)

  • "regex": stringr::str_detect(var, vals). For remote tables, unique values in vars are collected locally before matching (may be slow).

  • "like": stringr::str_like(var, vals). For remote tables, WHERE var LIKE val.

  • "start": same as regex or LIKE with modified vals, e.g., "^val1|^val2" or "va1%|val2%"

  • "between": dplyr::between(var, val1, val2)

  • "glue_sql": For remote table only, this gives full control of the WHERE clause using dplyr::filter(dbplyr::sql(glue::glue_sql(...)))


Depending on match, it takes different input:

  • "in": a vector of values (numeric/character/Date)

  • "start": a vector of numeric/character that would be modified into a regex or LIKE pattern string by adding "^" in front or "%" at the end

  • "regex"/"like": a string of the expression

  • "between": a vector of numeric or date with exactly two elements, e.g., c(lower, upper)

  • "glue_sql": a string of a SQL WHERE clause, which will be passed to glue::glue_sql(). See examples for detail.


A logical for whether combining the predicates (if multiple columns were selected by vars) with AND instead of OR. Default is FALSE, e.g., var1 in vals OR var2 in vals.


A logical for whether printing explanation and result overview for the query. Default is fetching from options. Use options(healthdb.verbose = FALSE) to suppress once and for all. Result overview is not for remote tables as the query is not executed immediately, thus no result is available for summary without adding an extra run (may be slow) of the query.


A logical for whether keeping the output as remote table (Default TRUE) or downloading the query result as a tibble (FALSE). The argument is ignored when the input data is a data.frame/tibble.


For remote table method only. Additional arguments passing to glue::glue_sql() for parameterized queries.


A data.frame or tbl_sql object depending on the input.


#applying to data.frame; both sepal length and width in range 3-5
identify_row(iris, starts_with("Sepal"), "between", c(3, 5), if_all = TRUE)

#applying to remote table; species starts with se or ends with ca
iris_db <- dbplyr::memdb_frame(iris)
identify_row(iris_db, Species, "like", c("se%", "%ca"))

#using glue_sql to write the WHERE clause
#use {`vars`} to refer to the variables selected by vars
#supply additional values required in the query through '...'
#note that if you use LIKE here, you cannot supply multiple patterns in what
identify_row(iris_db, Species, "glue_sql",
 "{`vars`} LIKE {what}",
  what = "se%")

#add * after a vector
identify_row(iris_db, Species, "glue_sql",
 "{`vars`} IN ({what*})",
 what = c("setosa", "virginica"))

Interpret if any n elements drawn from a date vector could be some days apart within some time span


Given a vector of dates x, interpret if there could be at least one set of n elements taken from x satisfy that adjacent elements in the set are at least certain days apart AND the dates in the set are within the specified time span. When identifying events/diseases from administrative data, definitions often require, e.g., n diagnoses that are at least some days apart within some years. This function is intended for such use and optimized to avoid looping through all n-size combinations in x. This function does not work with remote table input.


  apart = NULL,
  within = NULL,
  detail = FALSE,
  align = c("left", "right"),
  dup.rm = TRUE,



A character or Date vector


An integer for the size of a draw


An integer specifying the minimum gap (in days) between adjacent dates in a draw.


An integer specifying the maximum time span (in days) of a draw.


Logical for whether return result per element of x.The default is FALSE, which returns one logical summarized by any(). Detail is not available if apart was supplied without within because sets that satisfied the condition could overlap, and records within a set may be far apart; thus, no unambiguous way to label by element.


Character, define if the time span for each record should start ("left") or end ("right") at its current date. Defaults to "left". See 'flag_at' argument in restrict_date() for detail.


Logical for whether multiple records on the same date should be count as one in calculation. Only applicable when within is supplied without apart; duplicated dates have no impact when apart is present as the n dates must be distinct if they were apart. Default is TRUE.


Additional argument passing to data.table::as.IDate() for date conversion.


Single or a vector of logical for whether there is any draw from x satisfied the conditions

See Also



dates_of_records <- sample(seq(as.Date("2015-01-01"), as.Date("2021-12-31"), 7), 10)

# whether there is any 3 records at least 30 days apart within 2 years
if_date(dates_of_records, n = 3, apart = 30, within = 365 * 2)

# specified either apart or within or both
if_date(dates_of_records, n = 2, within = 365)

Find value corresponding to the input vector using a look-up table


Find value corresponding to the input vector using a look-up table


lookup(x, link, lu, verbose = getOption("healthdb.verbose"))



A variable name in a data.frame; this function should be called inside dplyr::mutate().


A formula in the form: name_of_x_in_lu ~ name_of_target_value. The left-hand-side can be omitted if x's name is also x in the look-up.


Look-up table in data.frame class.


A logical for whether warn for missing values in the output.


A vector of matched values.


df <- data.frame(drug_code = 1:10)
lu <- data.frame(drug_id = 1:20, drug_code = as.character(1:10), drug_name = sample(letters, 20))

df %>% dplyr::mutate(
  drug_nm = lookup(drug_code, drug_id ~ drug_name, lu),
  # this will work as lu also has drug_code column
  drug_nm = lookup(drug_code, ~ drug_name, lu)

Make test data


Make a toy data set for testing and demo. This is for internal use purpose and not intended to be called by users.


  vals_kept = c("304", "305", 3040:3049, 3050:3059),
  noise_val = "999",
  IDs = 1:50,
  date_range = seq(as.Date("2015-01-01"), as.Date("2020-12-31"), by = 1),
  nrows = 100,
  n_any = 50,
  n_all = 10,
  seed = NULL,
  answer_id = NULL,
  type = c("data.frame", "database")



A vector of values that suppose to be identified.


A vector of values that are not meant to be identified.


A vector of client IDs.


A vector of all possible dates in the data.


Number of rows of the output.


Number of rows to be identified if the criteria is that if any target column contains certain values.


Number of rows to be identified if the criteria is that if all target columns contain certain values.


Seed for random number generation.


Column name for the indicator of how the row should be identified: any, all, and noise.


Output type, "data.frame" or "database".


A data.frame or remote table from 'dbplyr'.


make_test_dat() %>% head()

Pool qualified clients from results of multiple definitions


This function filters and pools, i.e., row bind, qualified clients/groups from different source with an option to summarize by client. Unlike bind_source(), no need to supply variable names; the function will guess what should be included and their names from the supplied definition from build_def(). Whether a client is qualified relies on the flag variables set by define_case(). Therefore, this function is intended to be use only with the built-in define_case() as def_fn in build_def().


  output_lvl = c("raw", "clnt"),
  include_src = c("all", "has_valid", "n_per_clnt"),



A list of data.frame or remote table which should be output from execute_def().


A tibble of case definition generated by build_def().



  • "raw" - output all records (default),

  • or "clnt" - output one record per client with summaries including date and source of the first valid record ('first_valid_date/src'), and the latest record ('last_entry_date/src'). Source-specific record counts are also provided (see the return section).


Character. It determines records from which sources should be included. This matters when clients were identified only from, not all, but some of the sources. This choice will not impact the number of client that would be identified but has impact on the number of records and the latest entry date. The options are one of:

  • "all" - records from all sources are included;

  • "has_valid" - for each client, records from sources that contain at least one valid record are included;

  • "n_per_clnt" - for each client, if they had fewer than n_per_clnt records in a source (see restrict_n()), then records from that source are removed.


Additional arguments passing to bind_source()


A data.frame or remote table with clients that satisfied the predefined case definition. Columns started with "raw_in_" are source-specific counts of raw records, and columns started with "valid_in_" are the number of valid entries (or the number of flags) in each source.


# toy data
df1 <- make_test_dat()
df2 <- make_test_dat()

# use build_def to make a toy definition
sud_def <- build_def("SUD", # usually a disease name
  src_lab = c("src1", "src2"), # identify from multiple sources, e.g., hospitalization, ED visits.
  # functions that filter the data with some criteria
  def_fn = define_case,
  fn_args = list(
    vars = starts_with("diagx"),
    match = "start", # "start" will be applied to all sources as length = 1
    vals = list(c("304"), c("305")),
    clnt_id = "clnt_id", # list()/c() could be omitted for single element
    # c() can be used in place of list
    # if this argument only takes one value for each source
    n_per_clnt = c(2, 3)

# save the definition for re-use
# saveRDS(sud_def, file = some_path)

# execute definition
sud_by_src <- sud_def %>% execute_def(with_data = list(src1 = df1, src2 = df2))

# pool results from src1 and src2 together at client level
pool_case(sud_by_src, sud_def, output_lvl = "clnt")

Report number of distinct value in a column across data frames


This function is intended to mimic dplyr::n_distinct() for multiple inputs. It is useful to report the number of clients through out a series of inclusion or exclusion steps. An use case could be getting the Ns for the sample definition flowchart in an epidemiological study. It is also useful for inline reporting of Ns in a Rmarkdown document.


report_n(..., on, force_proceed = getOption("healthdb.force_proceed"))



Data frames or remote tables (e.g., from 'dbplyr')


The column to report on. It must be present in all data sources.


A logical for whether to ask for user input in order to proceed when the data is not local data.frames, and a query needs to be executed before reporting. The default is fetching from options (FALSE). Use options(healthdb.force_proceed = TRUE) to suppress the prompt once and for all.


A sequence of the number of distinct on for each data frames


# some exclusions
iris_1 <- subset(iris, Petal.Length > 1)
iris_2 <- subset(iris, Petal.Length > 2)

# get n at each operation
n <- report_n(iris, iris_1, iris_2, on = Species)

# get the difference at each step
# data in a list
iris_list <- list(iris_1, iris_2)
report_n(rlang::splice(iris_list), on = Species)
# if you loaded tidyverse, this will also work
# report_n(!!!iris_list, on = Species)

Remove or flag groups failed to meet conditions based on dates


For each client or group, interpret if they have n records that are at least certain days apart AND within a specified time span. When identifying events/diseases from administrative data, definitions often require, e.g., n diagnoses that are at least some days apart within some years. This function is intended for such use and optimized to avoid looping through all n-size combinations of dates per client.


  apart = NULL,
  within = NULL,
  uid = NULL,
  mode = c("flag", "filter"),
  flag_at = c("left", "right"),
  dup.rm = TRUE,
  force_collect = FALSE,
  verbose = getOption("healthdb.verbose"),
  check_missing = FALSE,



Data frames or remote tables (e.g., from dbplyr::tbl_sql())


Grouping variable (quoted/unquoted).


Variable name (quoted/unquoted) for the dates to be interpreted.


An integer for the size of a draw.


An integer specifying the minimum gap (in days) between adjacent dates in a draw.


An integer specifying the maximum time span (in days) of a draw.


Variable name for a unique row identifier. It is necessary for SQL to produce consistent result based on sorting.



  • "flag" - add a new column 'flag_restrict_date' indicating if the condition was met (flag = 1 if the time period starting or ending at the current record satisfied the apart-within condition),

  • or "filter" - remove clients without any qualified record from the data. Default is "flag".


Character, define if the flag should be placed at the start ("left") or end ("right") of a time period that contains n qualified records. Defaults to "left". Note that this would impact the first and last qualified/diagnosed dates of a client, e.g., using "right" will have the first flag not at the earliest but the date which the client became qualified. For example, if the condition was 2 records within a year, for c("2023-01-01", "2023-04-01", "2024-05-01"), flag will be c(0, 1, 0) for "right" while c(1,0,0) for "left".


Logical for whether multiple records on the same date should be count as one in calculation. Only applicable when within is supplied without apart; duplicated dates have no impact when apart is present as the n dates must be distinct if they were apart. Default is TRUE.


A logical for whether force downloading remote table if apart is not NULL. For remote table only, because apart is implemented for local data frame only. Downloading data could be slow, so the user has to opt in; default FALSE will stop with error.


A logical for whether to explain the query and report how many groups were removed. Default is fetching from options. Use options(healthdb.verbose = FALSE) to suppress once and for all. Reporting is not for remote tables as the query is not executed immediately, thus no result is available for summary without adding an extra run (may be slow) of the query.


A logical for whether to check and remove missing entries in date_var before applying the conditions. Default is FALSE for faster run time.


Additional argument passing to data.table::as.IDate() for date conversion.


A subset of input data satisfied the dates requirement, or raw input data with an new flag column.

See Also



sample_size <- 30
df <- data.frame(
  clnt_id = sample(1:sample_size, sample_size, replace = TRUE),
  service_dt = sample(seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2020-01-31"), by = 1),
    size = sample_size, replace = TRUE
  diagx = sample(letters, size = sample_size, replace = TRUE),
  diagx_1 = sample(c(NA, letters), size = sample_size, replace = TRUE),
  diagx_2 = sample(c(NA, letters), size = sample_size, replace = TRUE)

# Keep clients with 2 records that were 1 week apart within 1 month
restrict_date(df, clnt_id, service_dt, n = 2, apart = 7, within = 30)

Remove or flag groups with n less than some number


Remove or flags groups or clients that have less than some number of rows or some number of distinct values in a variable. For example, it can be used to remove clients that had less than n visits to some service on different dates from some administrative records. It offers filtering with dplyr::n_distinct() functionality for database input.


  count_by = NULL,
  mode = c("flag", "filter"),
  verbose = getOption("healthdb.verbose")



Data.frames or remote tables (e.g., from dbplyr::tbl_sql())


Grouping variable (quoted/unquoted).


A single number specifying the minimum number of group size.


Another variable dictating the counting unit of n_per_clnt. The default is NULL meaning the inclusion criteria is the number of row, i.e., dplyr::n() >= n_per_clnt. If it is not NULL, the criteria becomes equivalent to dplyr::n_distinct(count_by) >= n_per_clnt.


Either "flag" - add a new column 'flag_restrict_n' indicating if the client met the condition (all rows from a qualified client would have flag = 1), or "filter" - remove clients that did not meet the condition from the data. Default is "flag".


A logical for whether to explain the query and report how many groups were removed. Default is fetching from options. Use options(healthdb.verbose = FALSE) to suppress once and for all. Reporting is not for remote tables as the query is not executed immediately, thus no result is available for summary without adding an extra run (may be slow) of the query.


A subset of input data satisfied the group size requirement, or raw input data with an new flag column.

See Also

dplyr::n(), dplyr::n_distinct()


# flag cyl groups with less than 8 cars
restrict_n(mtcars, clnt_id = cyl, n_per_clnt = 8, mode = "flag") %>%

#remove cyl groups with less than 2 types of gear boxes
restrict_n(mtcars, clnt_id = cyl, n_per_clnt = 3, count_by = gear, mode = "filter")